Attorneys: When you hear this you either cringe or you smile, there really isn't any in-between feelings. We cringe because we have had to use an Attorney and the situation was bad. We cringe because the Attorney was bad or we just cringe because we see $$$$$$.
I'm going to talk about a different side of Attorneys. Let's face it ALL professions have some that give their profession a bad name...but we hear more about the Attorneys that do. Why? Because Attorneys are our last resort in a crisis situation and if they fail us there are no other remedies. It's not like a plumber who didn't fix the leak...yes, we have more water damage but we can call another to fix it. Once you are in a legal situation...well, you know how those sometimes end.
Here's the other side of Attorneys that we sometimes don't see or we forget. They are human and have hundreds of emotions because they have hundreds of clients. The good Attorneys never forget they are human and the good Attorneys will always treat you as if you were their only client....the hard part about this is we, as clients, often forget they have other clients.
Why is it that you very rarely talk to the Attorney? It always seems like you only talk to their paralegal or legal assistant. Let me tell you a secret about that: You WANT to talk to their paralegal! Why? Do you think the CEO knows the DETAILS of what they do? NO. The paralegals KNOW THE DETAILS where the Attorneys KNOW THE LAW! Occasionally you will find the GREAT Attorneys that not only know the law but know the details. When you find them, and here's the ironic part, you don't need to talk to anyone.
I see Attorneys as machines....the GREAT ones are well oiled, the not so great ones....well you will need to be the squeaky wheel.
I don't work for an Attorney. I can type simple documents for you when you don't need an Attorney. What I have been blessed with is this; I have Attorneys that exceed GREAT when you need one.
First I have to tell you that according to the Colorado Rules of Conduct for Attorneys and fees is referral fees ARE PROHIBITED! I want to stress this so when you know when I refer you to an Attorney it is ONLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE PROVEN THEMSELVES to be the best of the best and treat their clients with the respect that you deserve! When I tell you to tell them I sent you it is not because I'm waiting for a "check" to come for that referral. I tell you to make sure they know I referred you because I want them to know I still VALUE them as a referral source. All of my referral Attorneys have PROVEN (beyond a reasonable doubt....had to add that) that they are not only exceptionally Attorneys but they are the EXCEPTION to the rule. I'm not going to deny that there isn't any "perks" to referring you to these Attorneys because there are. These perks come in the form of usually I can sweet talk the firm into fitting client in sooner than the calendar will normally allow. Another perk is when I refer you to an Attorney you stay with that Attorney, you aren't "given" to another in the firm. Another, the client wins!!
My referral list for Attorneys is small. If I refer you to can be assured that THEY are the BEST for your situation. None of them will "gouge" you for fees, not because I referred them but because that is who they are. They have integrity. They are honest. They are straightforward....but most importantly they are EXCELLENT in their field.
Here's my referral list that I personally recommend (in no particular order)
I have separated them into Northern and Southern Colorado only because in some cases it is easier for you to have an Attorney close to you.
Southern Colorado
Wes Hassler, Hassler Law Firm (Criminal, Family, Bankruptcy, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Civil Rights, Workmans Comp, Social Security, Employment Law, Corporate and Business)
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Carol Zeisler, Zeisler & Associates, Attorneys at Law, PC (Personal Injury)
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Northern Colorado
Marijuana Rights) Like them on
(ask for) Arly Miner, Irwin & Boesen, (Personal Injury)
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Please note that not all they do is here...please visit their websites to see specific areas of law they specialize in.
So here is it in a nice, neat nutshell. You can call me and I'll schedule the appointment for you or you can call them directly (just make sure you tell them Rhonda from Legal Edge sent you).